Instructional strategies development with the research-based learning management model to enhance research skills and systems thinking skills for physical education students at the Thailand National Sports University Lampang Campus
Creative the instructional strategies development with the 12 research-based learning management (RBLM) lesson plans to model for enhancing research skills and systems thinking skills of 44 junior physical education students at the Thailand National Sports University, Lampang Campus. They enrolled in a preliminary research methodology class administered. Students’ perceptions of actual and preferred forms with the 35-item Research-Based Learning Management Questionnaire (RBLMQ), their research skills were measured with the 32-item Research Skills Measurement (RSM), and the system thinking skills with the 28-item System Thinking Skills Measurement (STSM), and satisfactions of their RBLM model with the 35-item Satisfaction of Learner Interaction Questionnaire (SLIQ) were described. Associations between actual students’ perceptions of their RBLMQ and their RSM, STSM, and SLIQ were investigated. The RBLMQ, RSM, STSM, and SLIQ instruments are valid and reliable. The 12 RBLM innovative lesson plans are efficiency quality and appropriateness level with the IOC by the 5-professional educators was checked. The actual and preferred RBLMQ, RSM, STSM, and SLIQ of their perceptions for each scale are differentiated significantly at .05 by t-test analysis. These affecting sizes on all these instruments are the Medium Effect Size by the ANOVA (eta2) analyzed. In most cases, students would prefer more actual mean scores were compared. Appropriate statistical procedures were used; the simple correlations (r) are positive direction, and the β-regression weights are able to be predicted the correlations between the independent variable (RBLMQ scales) and dependent variables (RSM, STSM, and SLIQ totalized means). The multiple correlations (R) values indicate of a higher standardized R at 0.7. The R2 values indicate that 60%, 63%, and 68% of the variances in Research Skills, System Thinking Skills, and Students’ Satisfaction to their preliminary research methodology class were attributable, respectively to their perceptions of the research-based learning management model was developed and satisfied significant, relatively.
ป.บัณฑิต สาขาวิชาชีพครู คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกำแพงเพชร. (2566). Instructional strategies development with the research-based learning management model to enhance research skills and systems thinking skills for physical education students at the Thailand National Sports University Lampang Campus. สืบค้น 11 ธันวาคม 2567, จาก
ข้อมูลอื่น ๆ
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